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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tapping might help treat inflammatory disease, infections like sepsis and rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and Crohn's disease.

A recent study of acupressure (tapping) has been shown to utilize similar mechanisms as acupuncture, and I and other researchers believe it can be as or more effective), shows incredible promise in the treating of infections.  

As quoted from the article below: 
"On the one hand, he says, this research shows physical evidence of acupuncture's value beyond any that has been demonstrated before. His results show potential benefits, he adds, not just for sepsis, but treating other inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and Crohn's disease."

I always like to say that tapping doesn't "cure" anything, but rather helps the body's healing mechanisms work more efficiently.  If you're suffering from an infection, or other inflammatory diseases, try using tapping to:

1.  Calm the body, decrease stress and help the body heal.  
Just tapping on the overwhelm and stress of the symptoms themselves can help.  For example, while tapping on the karate chop point, "Even though I'm so stressed and overwhelmed about this _________ (infection, pain, disease, etc", I choose to relax and feel safe now."  Even just tapping through the points with that one phrase will help the body calm down and heal.

2.  Once you've found some clarity and peace in the moment, dig a little deeper.  
When did these symptoms happen? What was going on at the time? Look for specific stressful events, and tap to clear those.  When I say, "tap to clear them", I mean tap through them, running them in your mind, like a movie, focusing on the specific aspects, until you find there isn't an emotional "charge" anymore.   

3.  Envision a positive future.  
Sometimes when we're in the grips of pain or disease, it becomes almost impossible to imagine anything else. Try visualizing WITH tapping (the tapping will help clear and calm the parts of you that are struggling to be positive) and imaginour body healing.

Here's a link to the research study on acupuncture and infections:

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