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Friday, June 6, 2014

Tap Yourself Into Abundance

The Law of Attraction has been getting a lot of attention recently. With the popularity of The Secret (both the book and video), books such as the Abraham books by Esther and Jerry Hicks, as well as the many hundreds of ever-popular classics, such as Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich, the idea that you can “create your own reality” has never been more fashionable.

There are also skeptics who deny that this is true. They say, “if it was so easy to create your own reality, why are so many people sick, poor and unhappy?” Who would choose such a reality? Even many people who believe in the ideas of positive thinking and the Law of Attraction are secretly afraid that it’s just too good to be true.

Well, my understanding is that the Law of Attraction is 100% true. There is only one catch, and it can be a zinger for those of us trying to apply this principle in our lives. The problem is that most of us have subconscious blocks to our efforts at creating prosperity consciousness and better lives in general.

The fact is, we consciously want all the good things in life, which is perfectly natural. Yet a part of us, often there since childhood, is convinced that we are not deserving, that money is scarce, that it’s not moral to be wealthy or some other such belief that is not consistent with actually manifesting abundance.

There is a simple technique that allows us to almost instantly remove blocks. It is called EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and is based on the Chinese system of acupuncture (no needles though!) combined with modern psychology. It is so simple in fact, that many people are skeptical that it can really work –until they try it.

EFT works by having us tap various points on our body. This sends energy through the meridians (pathways that energy follows through the body). Tapping is combined with certain dialogue, which can be spoken out loud or too oneself. These are something like affirmations, but more sophisticated in that they are not only positive statements, but a removal of negative beliefs.

This “tapping” technique has been effective at treating a wide range of physical and emotional problems. One practitioner, Brad Yates, has specialized in using EFT for removing blocks to abundance. By tapping on certain points and repeating key phrases, we quickly come to believe that we truly deserve to be prosperous.

People have even reported having long term health conditions drastically improve after a few tapping sessions. This may seem miraculous, but when you consider recent medical evidence that much illness is caused by stress and other emotional conditions, it is not really so far fetched. If we can change the way energy moves through our bodies, we can change many conditions, both emotional and physical. This “trickery,” however, is an important part of the healing process, whether you are talking about a healing mantra or a pharmaceutical drug.

Belief is a very important part of healing -or not healing. This is why almost any method, if truly believed in, can be helpful. With EFT, however, we are talking about something beyond simple belief. When you tap, you are actually stimulating very real energy centers in the body. What’s interesting is that I’ve read cases of advanced EFT practitioners who could get the same effect by simply imagining that they were doing the technique! To a die-hard skeptic, this might suggest that EFT is “all in the mind” and therefore not “scientific.” To me, it just proves how important the mind is in the healing process. That is why EFT can be such a powerful technique. When combined with affirmations and other helpful self-talk, it works on the physical and psychological aspects of ourselves simultaneously.

I believe that the effectiveness of EFT, along with almost all techniques, whether medical, psychological or spiritual, is partly based on what is sometimes deceptively called the “placebo effect.” This means, simply, that the mind “fools” itself, and/or the body that it feels better because of a belief.

Is this technique too easy and simple to really work? Well, that point of view is itself the kind of limiting belief you can literally tap away!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Free "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure" Book

I have a really amazing free resource that I want to share with you today.

I just finished reading a book about back pain that I think is one of the most important books that I have ever read about living pain free. 

The principles in this book are so simple and yet so critical to understand to make sure that you live your life without back pain, neck pain or any other type of physical pain. The book is called "The 7 Day Back Pain Cure" and the author of the book Jesse Cannone, is actually giving it away right now for free for a limited time.

I've actually known of Jesse for a long time because he's known as the "back pain relief guy" but I'm kicking myself in the butt for not having read his book sooner. I would have never expected a back pain guy to have such a thorough understanding of the mind body connection the way that Jesse does. Jesse really breaks down all of the reasons for how back pain is caused, what all the "typical" options are for treating it, and tells you exactly how to eliminate any existing back pain you may have and how to prevent any future back pain.

I personally suffer from back pain and I'm glad I read this book because it has shown me how to be free from the pain I have been suffering with for years. If you do not presently have back pain this book will give you a wealth of knowledge on how to avoid it. Jesse is also going to donate $1 to your choice of charity; either Habitat for Humanity or when you pick up a book today even though he's giving you the book for free.

Here's the link to get your copy:

Enjoy the book and let me know what you think of it when you're done, which will likely be in a few days if you're like me and can't put it down.

If you're curious to know why Jesse is giving away his book make watch the video on this page:

Sunday, May 25, 2014

What Is Bipolar Disorder And How Do You Treat It

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a diagnostic category describing a class of mood disorders where the person experiences states or episodes of depression and/or mania, hypomania, and/or mixed states. Left untreated, it is a severely disabling psychiatric condition. The difference between bipolar disorder and major depression is that bipolar disorder involves “energized” or “activated” mood states in addition to depressed mood states. 

The duration and intensity of mood states varies widely among people with the illness. Fluctuating from one mood state to another is called “cycling” or having mood swings. Mood swings cause impairment not only in one’s mood, but also in one’s energy level, sleep pattern, activity level, social rhythms and thinking abilities. Many people become fully disabled, for some period of time, after being diagnosed, and during this time may have great difficulty functioning. The vast majority of people diagnosed suffer from depression. In fact, there is at least a 3 to 1 ratio of time spent depressed versus time spent in a normal mood or hypomanic or manic during the course of the bipolar I subtype of the illness. People with the bipolar II subtype remain depressed for substantially longer. Up to 37 times longer than bipolar I. 

A 2003 study by Robert Hirschfeld, M.D., of the University of Texas, Galveston found bipolar patients fared worse in their depressions than unipolar patients. In terms of disability, lost years of productivity and potential for suicide, bipolar depression is now recognized as the most insidious aspect of the illness. Severe depression may be accompanied by symptoms of psychosis. These symptoms include hallucinations and delusions. They may also suffer from paranoid thoughts of being persecuted or monitored by some powerful entity such as the government or a hostile force. Intense and unusual religious beliefs may also be present, such as patients’ strong insistence that they have a God-given role to play in the world, a great and historic mission to accomplish, or even that they possess supernatural powers. Delusions in a depression may be far more distressing, sometimes taking the form of intense guilt for supposed wrongs that the patient believes he or she has inflicted on others. 

Currently bipolar disorder cannot be cured but it can be managed. The emphasis of treatment is on effective management of the long-term course of the illness, which can involve treatment of emergent symptoms. Treatment methods include pharmacological and psychological, energy therapy techniques. A variety of medications are used to treat bipolar disorder. Most people with bipolar disorder require combinations of medications. Relapse of bipolar disorder is possible even when on medication, some people may experience weaker episodes and others have a complete manic or depressive episode. 

The following behaviors can lead to depressive or manic relapse: 

* Discontinuing or lowering one’s dose of medication without consulting one’s physician. 
* Being under or over medicated. Generally, taking a lower dosage of a mood stabilizer can lead to relapse into mania. Taking a lower dosage of an antidepressant, may cause the patient to relapse into depression, while higher doses can cause destabilization into mixed-states or mania. 
* Taking other psychotropic or recreational drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, or heroin. These can cause the condition to worsen. 
* An inconsistent sleep schedule can destabilize the illness. Too much sleep can lead to depression, while too little sleep can lead to mixed states or mania. 
* Excessive amounts of caffeine can cause destabilization of mood toward irritability, dysphoria and mania. 
* Inadequate stress management and poor lifestyle choices. 

If unmedicated, excessive stress can cause the individual to relapse. Medication raises the stress threshold somewhat, but too much stress still causes relapse. The information presented here should not be interpreted as medical advice. If you or someone you know is suffers from a bipolar disorder, please seek professional medical advice for the latest treatment options at  If you have not been diagnosed, but think you might be bipolar, you can take a free biploar test at:

The following video demonstrates the use of EFT Tapping Therapy for treating Bipolar Disorder

To schedule a free EFT Therapy Session by Phone or Skype go to:

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The One Minute Cure For Treatment Of Diseases

If you are like everyone else on this planet, you have undoubtedly been affected by disease in one way or another. Either you have suffered from disease yourself or someone you care about is, or has been, a victim of a devastating disease, or even died from it. 

Did you know that there's a simple therapy that has been "scientifically proven" to prevent and cure virtually all diseases from minor ones like the flu to “incurable” and life threatening ones like cancer, aids, and alzheimers. This one minute therapy, which anyone can easily self-administer at home, is being deliberately suppressed in the U.S., while more than 15,000 European doctors have been using it to heal millions of patients.

It's important that you learn this simple therapy as soon as you can, before it's banned by industries, pharma-cartels and agencies whose profits will be adversely affected by the dissemination of this information.

Discover this secret one minute cure that they don't want you to know about by clicking on the banner below:

Friday, April 25, 2014

"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!"

In the 1976 movie "Network" Howard Beale, the TV newscaster played by actor Peter Finch, delivered his mad as hell speech in protest of the cultural conditions in America. As someone has said "the evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening', and then proceed to tell you why it isn’t.” 

That said, I can identify with this character, and maybe you can too. One of the things I'm mad as hell about is the so called health care industry. And it's a whopper, the largest, with 5th of the US Gross Domestic Product (GDP),  and fastest growing multi billion dollar industry in America, yet it can not even cure the common cold.

Actually it can not cure anything, because it does not want to cure anything. This is the way of thinking of the AMA (American Medical Assholes, ugh I mean Association), in my opinion. If you are a doctor and you heal all of your patients you will soon be out of business. Or at least out of that nice Lexus and the house on the golf course. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm  not blaming doctors in general. Most of them care about their patients and do the best they can. The problem is that they are not taught how to cure diseases. The only thing they are taught in medical school is how to prescribe toxic medication, and how to cut you open and take something out. And why is this the standard modus operandi for western medicine (AMA)? Think about it. What is at the root of the lies and deception that makes anyone with half a brain mad as hell? - M.O.N.E.Y. You find it as the power behind religion, government and politics, industry, and education, as well as the health profession. The facts are obvious, big pharma and surgery is where the money is. Compare this to eastern medicine where the practitioner only gets paid if they actually heal you.

It isn't that there are not cures for cancer and every conceivable malady imaginable. But you probably won't find them at your doctors office or mental health clinic. According to Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (who discovered the chemical ascorbic acid also known as vitamin C) "In every culture and in every medical tradition before our own, healing was achieved by the movement of energy." Energy Psychology is a way of treating physical, mental and emotional health issues through the use of the energy systems in the body. 

These techniques are based on ancient energy healing systems, modern psychology, and the newest research on how the brain, emotions and the body interact. We need only to look to the fact that in China hundreds of people every day undergo heart surgery using nothing but acupuncture for anesthesia, to realize that anything based on the solid healing foundation that acupuncture has to offer is worth exploring further.

Why is it that we in the alternative health care profession are able to CURE patients and clients in a few visits that many doctors and psychiatrist have been treating for years? 

The American Medical Association's own research admits that stress is a major factor in 75% of all illnesses. But do they treat this root problem? No, they give you a bottle of pills and keep you coming back every month so you can give them a $100.00 to get them refilled! If this doesn’t make you mad as hell you deserve what you get.

We can change this folks. Just stick your head out the window and yell "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!", then go to your computer, get on the internet and start googling meridian energy therapy, eft, energy psychology, alternative treatment options, holistic health, and anything else you can think of to educate yourself and take responsibility for your own health care. Don’t expect the traditional Health Care Industry to do it for you.

The following video by EFT founder Gary Craig would be a good place to start:

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Energy Psychology Reforming Mental Health

In every culture and in every medical tradition before our own, healing 
was achieved by the movement of energy. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi 

Energy Psychology is a new way of treating mental and emotional health issues through the use of the energy systems in the body. These tools are based on ancient energy healing systems and the newest research on how the brain, emotions and the body interact. Learn the latest information on these tools as well as how you can apply them towards your overall health and well-being.


To schedule a free initial Energy Therapy Session by Phone or Skype go to:


Friday, April 18, 2014

Mysteries of the Human Energy Field Unraveled!

Prominent Russian scientists believed that we had the power to influence change in the world around us through our energetic fields, and now they have the science to prove it. Utilizing a technology that they developed, they are leading the worlds research in the awareness and understanding that our consciousness plays a fundamental part in creating our material world.


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Acupressure More Effective Than Physical Therapy

It is common knowledge that acupressure techniques have been around for some 5,000 years now and those of us involved in holistic and wellness remain convinced that the procedures encompassed within this sphere are more efficacious than physical therapy. Every living being has a life force, or energy, called qi or chi (pronounced “chee”). When this energy, which runs along meridians, is in balance and flowing freely, the body is in a state of health. Acupoints tap into the major energy pathways of the body.

When this energy is blocked or deficient, illness can result. These energy disruptions are often the result of stress or injury. It is believed that acupressure causes the brain to release endorphins. Endorphins play an important role in immune function, pain relief, stress reduction, and slowing the aging process.

Lower back pain has long been the bane of the modern world not only in lost man hours but also because of the numerous side effects, complications and nuances of lower back pain complaints. Further studies now confirm the benefits of acupressure over physical therapy. Albeit that the studies failed to take into account functional status and disability, as recommended by most low back pain researchers, the results are still very meaningful and relevant.

In February 2006 a randomized controlled trial took place at The National Taiwan University in Taipei. One hundred and twenty nine patients with chronic low back pain received acupressure or physical therapy for 1 month. Primary endpoints were self-administered Chinese versions of standard outcome measures for low back pain (Roland and Morris disability questionnaire) at baseline, after treatment, and at 6-month follow-up. After treatment, the mean total Roland and Morris disability questionnaire score was significantly lower in the acupressure group than in the physical therapy group regardless of the difference in absolute score or mean change from baseline.

Compared with physical therapy, acupressure was associated with an 89% reduction in significant disability and that improvement was maintained at 6-month follow-up. Study limitations include a confounding psychological effect of therapy; loss of 15.5% of patients to follow-up at 6 months and effectiveness of any manipulation therapy dependent on the therapist’s technique and experience.

Participants were aged 18 to 81 years. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy and contraindication to acupressure. Sixty four patients were randomized to acupressure and sixty five to physical therapy. Conclusive or inconclusive the results still point towards the undeniable and positive aspects of acupressure and holistic healing.

On a more lighter note Acupressure has also been cited as a new aid for sleepy students. Thirty nine student volunteers found that those who were taught to self-administer acupressure to stimulation points on their legs, feet, hands and heads were less likely to drowse during class. The acupressure consisted of light tapping of fingers or using thumbs or forefingers to lightly massage the stimulation points. It was conceded that more study is needed in relation to acupressure and the effect on human alertness.

Looking further into the positives, might this self administered acupressure also be a consideration for many other physical-mental issues!

For Acupressure Therapy go to:

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Have You Had Enough Already?

Are you sick and tired of suffering emotionally? Think about this. If you had a cancerous tumor eating away at your body you would go and have it removed. Doesn't it make sense to have the source of your emotional pain eliminated?

Maybe you are not yet aware that there are now some simple effective techniques available that offer quick and effectual healing results, that you can easily learn to apply in the comfort of your own home, with little or no cost involved.

If you are suffering from depression, stress, anxiety, traumas, phobias, addictions, bipolar disorder or other emotional based issues you owe it to yourself, and your loved ones, to check these out. Chronic or severe emotional problems will not just go away. They have to be dealt with!

Even though I am an energy psychology therapist I am personally no stranger to these conditions. I know first hand how miserable they make your life. I can assure you that there is a solution. No one is going to force it on you; you just have to discover it for yourself. I sincerely encourage you to never give up, and truly hope you find the help you need. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Enjoy life with clarity, meaning & prosperity

Another one of my readers signed up for life coaching at Success Wizard today and I just want to remind you how you can get involved with this great program that is changing so many lives. Success Wizard is an online personal development and coaching program created to support individuals who are seeking more clarity, direction and happiness in their lives. It was designed to help people, discover, create and live the life that they want. It helps people realize where they are today, where they want to be, and supports them through the entire process of getting there. 

Success Wizard offers an extremely effective step-by-step program and a fully integrated set of online tools and services to help you create greater success and satisfaction in your personal and professional life, as well as give you the boost you need to achieve all your goals and aspirations. 

Unlike traditional self help products that only offer knowledge and information on specific topics, Success Wizard is a complete self-managed program with *all* the necessary elements required for effective personal transformation including structure, guidance, support, motivation, community, personal coaching, and a variety of effective tools and applications. Many Success Wizard users are already experiencing incredible results! 

* Discovering your true self and your hidden desires …
* Exploring unlimited possibilities, personal growth, and self-realization...
* Finding more clarity, joy and passion in everything you do...
* Getting “unstuck” and experiencing a new found flow of energy...
* Enjoying a sense of power and control over your life success...
* Living a totally fulfilling and authentic life on *your* own terms…

How amazing would that be? Well, this is exactly what Success Wizard was designed to do: Give you the opportunity and the system you need to create the life you want. It’s based on proven principles and techniques that helped thousands create and maintain lasting CHANGE while experiencing more clarity, happiness, fulfillment and harmony in their lives.

Visit and start your free trial now.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Learn to See the Human Aura in 5 Minutes

Did you know that EVERYTHING has an aura ? People, trees, chairs... Don't believe me? See for yourself.

With this simple technique, Eric Robison author of Bending God:
A Memoir, walks you through how
to see an aura in only five minutes.

For more info on seeing and working with spiritual energy, developing your sixth sense - esp - telepathy - astral projection - manifestation - the paranormal and other cool mind hacks go here:

For energy healing visit my website:

Quote of the day:
"The Force is what gives the Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together." - Obi-Wan Kenobi


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tapping might help treat inflammatory disease, infections like sepsis and rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and Crohn's disease.

A recent study of acupressure (tapping) has been shown to utilize similar mechanisms as acupuncture, and I and other researchers believe it can be as or more effective), shows incredible promise in the treating of infections.  

As quoted from the article below: 
"On the one hand, he says, this research shows physical evidence of acupuncture's value beyond any that has been demonstrated before. His results show potential benefits, he adds, not just for sepsis, but treating other inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and Crohn's disease."

I always like to say that tapping doesn't "cure" anything, but rather helps the body's healing mechanisms work more efficiently.  If you're suffering from an infection, or other inflammatory diseases, try using tapping to:

1.  Calm the body, decrease stress and help the body heal.  
Just tapping on the overwhelm and stress of the symptoms themselves can help.  For example, while tapping on the karate chop point, "Even though I'm so stressed and overwhelmed about this _________ (infection, pain, disease, etc", I choose to relax and feel safe now."  Even just tapping through the points with that one phrase will help the body calm down and heal.

2.  Once you've found some clarity and peace in the moment, dig a little deeper.  
When did these symptoms happen? What was going on at the time? Look for specific stressful events, and tap to clear those.  When I say, "tap to clear them", I mean tap through them, running them in your mind, like a movie, focusing on the specific aspects, until you find there isn't an emotional "charge" anymore.   

3.  Envision a positive future.  
Sometimes when we're in the grips of pain or disease, it becomes almost impossible to imagine anything else. Try visualizing WITH tapping (the tapping will help clear and calm the parts of you that are struggling to be positive) and imaginour body healing.

Here's a link to the research study on acupuncture and infections:

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Perhaps you have heard the whispering rumors...

about a secret project being worked on for the last seven years. These whispers may have told you things like...
  • how it stimulates a region of your brain you aren't using now
  • increases the balance between both hemispheres
  • using more of both, a state normally reserved for famous artists or people considered geniuses
  • They also may have told you, off the record of course, how it induces relaxation and relieves pain, which boosts the time you can spend in meditation by quieting the body (and the mental chatter)
But did these quiet little whispers tell you how it adapts to your body condition, relaxing you if you need to calm down, or stimulating you if you are too sluggish, thus maintaining an optimal, centered, state of mind? If only it was true, right?

Perhaps you have heard the whispering rumors Despite the fact they don't publicize it, it is true. Now, it's time to go on the record... It is a one-of-a-kind formula created and designed specifically for spiritual and mind enhancement. It has been treated it like the rare, potent formula it is. Letting it go underground, to be spread hush-hush, for the real hard-core mind explorer's to find on their own. 

However, they are opening the gates with a ridiculous deal…FREE!  That’s right, the first month supply of Magnetic Pill you order will be free of charge.  They have a limited supply we are giving a way for free, so it is simply first come first serve.

Discover more here >>>

Are you ready for a real Change in your life?

Are you seeking more happiness, fulfillment and purpose, or ways to achieve your most important goals?

If you’re ready to take control, change course and create the future you deserve, I’ve got something very exciting to share with you. It’s called Success Wizard and it’s going to give you the boost you need to start living the life you desire. Success Wizard is an online personal development and coaching program that was created to help you find more clarity, direction and happiness in your life. 

It was designed to help you realize where you are today, where you want to be, and supports you through the entire process of getting there. It offers an extremely effective step-by-step program and a fully integrated set of online tools and services to help you create greater success and satisfaction in your personal and professional life, as well as give you the support you need to achieve your goals and aspirations.

Unlike traditional self help products that only offer knowledge and information, Success Wizard is a complete self-managed program with all the necessary elements required for your personal transformation including structure, guidance, support, community, personal coaching, and a variety of effective tools and applications.

It’s not every day that you find a proven system that can literally change your life forever. I urge you not to miss-out on this unique opportunity. Explore the program and see what it can do for you! Now, if you’re ready to experience an amazing transformation, here:

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Donkey's Story

One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried
piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.
Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be
covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey,
so he invited all his neighbors to come over and help him.

They all grabbed a shovel and began shoveling dirt into the well.
At first, the donkey realized what was happening and cried horribly.
Then, to everyone's amazement he quieted down.

Many shovel loads later, the farmer looked into the well. He was
astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back,
the donkey shook it off and took a step up.

As the farmer's neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the
animal, he climbed higher and higher until to the amazement of all,
the donkey jumped over the edge of the well, and happily trotted off!

Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to
getting out of the predicament you are in is to shake off what could
otherwise bury you and keep stepping up.

Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the
deepest hole just by never giving up! Shake off your fears and take
another step up.

Friday, March 14, 2014

5-Minute Life-Changing Practice (Video)

What I'm about to share with you has been used by over 6 million people in 110 countries. And that number is steadily growing by the day. Which isn't surprising, given that its users include famous celebrities, authors, top CEOs, successful companies, just to name a few. And now, you can join them experiencing profound life changes, by spending as little as 5 minutes a day...

This is the link for this free life-changing video: 

Just what kind of life changes can you expect? In a word: plenty. And I'll spell them out for you. With this powerful practice, you can begin to experience...

...Heightened intuition for better understanding of people and the world around you.

...Steadier focus on your life goals

...Increased creativity at work

...Boosted confidence in all areas of your life

...Better holistic health

...An improved abundance mindset

...Greater control over bad habits like smoking, gambling or drinking

...Letting go of negative, hurtful emotions, and enjoying more love in your life.

I won't spoil it for you and tell you who's behind the video (and the 5-minute practice). But I will tell you that it's one of the biggest names in the personal growth industry. If you're serious about improving your relationships, career, wealth, health and happiness, then you owe it to yourself to discover this phenomenal personal growth practice.

Discover the many ways you can supercharge your personal evolution here:

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Curing Anxiety - What The Professionals Don't Want You To Know

As a meridian energy therapist and faith based counselor in private practice for over two decades, I certainly have seen it all: watching my clients suffer through anxiety and stress, watching them go from medication to medication looking for “the right pill”, and rarely finding it, spending inordinate amounts of money desperately trying to find the correct method to make their stress go away. The following are some of the questions I am frequently asked.

Can Anxiety Be Cured By A Pill or through Mental Health Counseling? 

Anxiety is a complex issue…not just something that can be cured through popping a pill, or through one or two visits to a mental health counseling professional. And while a combination of both medication and counseling can be effective, unfortunately it can take years to see results…and often a lot of money.

If I Do Decide To Take Medication And See A Therapist, What Is The Best Type Of Therapy And Medication I Should Take To Help My Anxiety? 

I can’t answer that for you specifically, without evaluating your condition, because every one is different (for example, you may have an allergy that precludes you from using a certain type of medication; Or you may not take well to a specific model of psychotherapy). That said, I can say that I have seen my clients do very well with what is known as EFT “Emotional Freedom Technique”, a meridian energy psychology therapy.

Isn’t There Any Way To Get Rid Of My Anxiety Right Away, Instead Of Waiting The Weeks And Years It Can Take For Medication and Counseling to Kick In? 

Yes. For every year it takes to go through therapy and anti-anxiety medication, people can actually use EFT Accupressure Tapping and make their anxiety disappear immediately. And, you can do this on your own by following a few simple instructions. That doesn’t mean that EFT counseling and medication aren’t necessary initally…but they are not the end-all cure-all for anxiety…they are merely supplements to help you get better. The majority of the work is done by “you”. Not to mention…you save a great amount of your money and time. 

Why Don’t Psychiatrists Ever Tell You That You Can Learn to Make Your Anxiety Disappear On Your Own? 

Bottom line: Because they want your money. If you did not see them for months and years of visits, these docs would not be able to live the lifestyles they have become accustomed to. Don’t get me wrong…there are some darn good professionals out there in the field of psychiatry. But, the fact is, if the docs and shrinks let you know that you can learn, in 10-15 minutes, the secrets to curing your anxiety…they would lose a great deal of income.

For complete instructions for using the Emotional Freedom Technique visit

Last Chance… 2014 Tapping World Summit!

I just wanted to give you a quick reminder...

The 2014 Tapping World Summit upgrade
opportunity - which is owning the actual audio
presentations, along with the workbook, transcripts
and bonuses in either digital or hard copy format -
ends tomorrow night at midnight, Pacific time...

Here are a few reasons for why I recommend
getting this program:

1 - EFT or "Tapping" has been scientifically
proven to work in a number of areas.

For example, in one study 30 minutes of
Tapping was shown to reduce cortisol levels
(the stress hormone in the body) by 24% as
compared to 30 minutes of talk therapy
or 30 minutes of no therapy at all…

That's impressive!  And it's extremely
relevant for all of us in our fast paced
society who need to be able to de-stress.

2 - Tapping is highly supported by some of
the world's leading personal development
experts such as Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay,
Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Gay Hendricks,
Arielle Ford, Joe Vitale and so many others.

As well as world leading health experts like
Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Joseph Mercola,
Kris Carr, Dr. Eric Robbins and
Dr. Christiane Northrup.

And even world leading therapists,
psychologists and psychiatrists like
Eric Leskowitz (Ph.D. - Harvard University),
Carol Look, David Feinstein Ph.D., and
Dr. Patricia Carrington

3 - Beyond the scientific research that has
been done and the world-leading experts
who support it, what's most impressive is
how many people have said that they have
gotten great results with Tapping.

There is case after case after case of
everyday people just like you sharing their
results with Tapping, not only from this
Tapping World Summit event but all
over the web.

They've shown results in pretty much any
area you can think of…like improving
finances, losing we*ght, eliminating
physical pain, or negative emotions, or
limiting beliefs, creating the relationship
of your dreams and so much more…

The list of what it works for really
does go on and on.

4 - The impact it's having on a global
scale is unreal.

Earlier this week The Tapping Solution
shared a video, which showed Tapping
being used with tremendous results for
those most deeply affected by the school
shooting in Newtown, CT, with children
survivors of the Genocide in Rwanda,
with hurricane Yolanda survivors in
The Phillippines, and with war veterans
suffering with PTSD.

If Tapping is working on these extremely
tough situations just imagine the miracles
it can create in your life…

So if you want to get the same results
in your life that so many others are
getting with EFT…

I HIGHLY recommend you visit the page
below and check out the upgrade options.
I hope you take advantage of it before it
ends tomorrow night.The pricing is extremely
 reasonable. And the reason it's never gone up is that
they care first and foremost about getting
this information out to those who truly want
to use it and get results.

Trust me on this one, this is one of those
programs that is a must-have for changing
your life...

Meridian Energy Therapy Website:

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"I wish you'd never been born!"

"The Tapping Solution" by Nick Ortner is a ground-breaking book and film exploring EFT, a combination of Ancient Chinese Acupressure and Modern Psychology that provides startling results.

"I wish you'd never been born!"  Those were the words that Bobbie heard from her father at her 5th birthday party, in front of her friends.  They were just a few of the painful words she had to hear through the years from her father.  This particular event was one of the most painful and traumatic that she had to deal with growing up, and one that continued to cause her pain decades later.

I want to share Bobbie's story with you in a powerful and extremely moving video, where Bobbie works with Nick Ortner -- NY Times best-selling author of "The Tapping Solution" and producer of the upcoming 6th annual Tapping World Summit -- on stage at a live event, and I'll tell you why...

In the video you'll get to see her use EFT Tapping, one of the most effective techniques I've ever seen used for personal change and growth, and see her go through an emotional and physical transformation right before your eyes.

Most importantly, I want you to see how you can use this same technique to change your life.

This is the 3rd video in the pre-event series that they've just released.  The other two were interviews with Dr. Wayne Dyer and with Dr. Lissa Rankin (both of which are great videos - you can get access to those as well if you're interested.)

Trust me when I tell you that you're going to be glued to this video!  Just watch the first couple of minutes and you'll see what I mean:

Let me explain more on why this video is life-changing...

All of us have dealt with childhood traumas, little or big events where we felt hurt, upset, scared, angry or any other painful emotion.  And many of these events, whether we realize it or not, continue to affect us today, in our beliefs, our level of confidence, the emotions we feel and so much more.

Take a second to think back on your childhood. What event or events come to mind where you felt hurt, upset, scared, angry or any other negative emotion?  When you think back on these events, how do you think they've affected you today?

This video will show you just how easily and quickly you can take the negative charge off of those memories and how you can release the conscious and unconscious holds that they have on you.

One thing that's especially interesting about this video is that it was filmed during a live event that is focused on the connection between our emotions and physical pain .  During the video, you'll actually get to see Bobbie get rid of the pain in her knees, something that she hasn't had happen in 25 years.

P.S. - And if you want to learn more about how you can use EFT Tapping, the way that Bobbie does in the video, you'll also be able to get access to the free, 10-day event known as the 6th annual Tapping World Summit.  Just go here to learn more:

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Can the mind really heal the body?

Nick Ortner interviews Lissa Rankin February 6th, 2014: In this interview Nick Ortner speaks with Dr. Lissa Rankin to learn about her latest research and her solutions to mind-body health issues. 

I'm sure you've heard things said before like "mind over body" or "your mind can heal anything," but do you ever think to yourself..."that's easier said than done!"

After all...if you're like most people, you don't have time to sit around like a Buddist Monk meditating for hours a day, focusing on healing your body, so how exactly do you apply it to your life?

Well, I want to share a video with you today that will share some startling research on just how powerful the mind is over the body, as well as introduce a grounded, everyday technique that you can use to actually help your mind to keep your body healthy.

It's a video of Dr. Lissa Rankin, M.D., where she sits down with Nick Ortner, the producer of the upcoming 6th annual Tapping World Summit, to discuss her findings and the implications they have for all of us, both the "seemingly" healthy and unhealthy.

Here are just a few snippets of what you can expect:

- At around 7 minutes you'll hear about what she learned from studying over 3,500 cases of "spontaneous remission" and what the research both tells us and isn't telling us about why people get sick or healthy.

- At around 8:40 you'll learn about the 9 common characteristics that people with "spontaneous remission" have and why they're critical to know for both people who are healthy or sick.

- At around 16 minutes Lissa will share about the only 2 modes that our nervous system can be in, and how in one of them, our bodies self repair mechanism literally shuts down!  And the scary part is...most people tend to get stuck in this shut down mode (she'll explain why and how you can get out of it).

- At about 19 minutes she'll share with you why some of her supposedly "healthiest" clients (exercising, eating well, meditating, etc) were getting sick and the big "aha" moment she had about what was causing it all.

- At around 26 minutes Lissa will blow your mind be redefining what "placebo" actually is.  She'll share with you how most scientific studies are blowing off placebo and not digging deep enough into what is actually going on with the mind and body.

- At around 27 minutes, she'll answer a big question that Nick Ortner asks her about the EFT Tapping technique..."Is just the Placebo Effect?"

- At about 36 minutes, she'll share with you why she believes people in the "blue zones" have a much higher than average rate of living to be over 100 years old.

Watch this video!  I know you'll love it.  :)