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Friday, January 24, 2014

Treat Emotional Disturbance Easily with EFT

Nearly everyone has some sort of trauma related issue or phobia that could do with being dealt with. Whether it is something that happened in youth or as an adult causing  emotional disturbance, or phobias such as a fear of flying or maybe of public speaking, then a reasonably new simple procedure called Emotional Freedom Technique could be for you!

Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT is a therapy that is rapidly gaining favor among many people from many walks of life – including Hollywood superstars. Many therapists such as Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapists, Counselors and even medical staff are learning the benefits for their clients.

While EFT looks like quite a strange technique at first and seems not too dissimilar to the realms of tree hugging and other new age techniques it seems to work and for most people that’s all that counts. I use EFT therapy with my clients and have achieved some amazing results, where nothing else has worked for them before.

So what is EFT and what will it do for you?

Well… this is a massive question; however I will have a go at giving you the best answer that I can.

EFT is a process of tapping on certain parts of your body while focusing on the issue that is causing you emotional distress.

There… I did say it would seem a bit strange; however don’t let this put you off. The creators of EFT say that it works by clearing emotional blockages in our meridian energy system. Eastern cultures have been using this healing concept in the form of acupuncture for over 5000 years.

We need only look to the fact that in China hundreds of people every day undergo heart surgery using nothing but acupuncture for anesthesia, to realize that anything based on the solid healing foundation that acupuncture has to offer is worth exploring further.

It desensitizes and alters the image that you run through your mind when you think about your phobia or an issue that is upsetting you.

You see, each time we experience something like a phobia we run a picture through our minds of what ‘might happen’. It is this that makes us feel bad and not actually being in the situation as this is just a trigger for the phobic response.

By running through this picture in your head, in conjunction with applying the acupressure tapping techniques, allows your mind to experience the image differently. It allows the image to morph, thus allowing you to feel differently about it.

So there you have it… Emotional Freedom Techniques may seem a bit quirky, but it might just be the thing for you!

Meridian Energy Therapy
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