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We are very fortunate that in recent years great advances have been made in our understanding and treatment of mental and emotional disorders. It is interesting to note that much of our present progress draws heavily upon information the ancients were using thousands of years ago. This knowledge combined with modern psychological methodologies is changing the way we view and administer therapy for conditions that were once very difficult, if not impossible, to treat.

We accepted some time ago that if we had an obstruction, such as a cancerous tumor, causing physical pain, we could have it removed. Now we understand that it is possible to have the source of our emotional pain removed as well.  

We now have a wide range of safe, simple, proven techniques that offer efficient and effectual healing results. 
If you are suffering from depression, stress, anxiety, traumas, phobias, addictions, bipolar disorder or other emotional based issues I can assure you there is a solution. But, just like cancer, chronic or severe emotional problems will not just go away. They must be dealt with.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a healing therapy based on ancient practice, modern psychology and new scientific studies that show our emotions and physical symptoms are linked to the underlying energy system of the body. That energy system is the acupuncture, or acupressure meridian system known to the Chinese for over five thousand years.

This blog is about ways to prevent and treat physical and mental illness, pain, and disease with the mind-body connection (mind-body balance) concept, using energy therapy and other alternative treatment methods.  On this blog I offer free EFT tapping information and instructions, official EFT tutorial, manuals, ebooks, newsletters, articles, CDs, DVDs and videos from the most trusted leaders in the in the field. Just click on the links and banners for these, and also some of the best meditation and self development programs available.  I also provide access to a wide range of proven alternative treatment options and  my unique, person to person, online & phone consultation and therapy services.

If you would like to resolve issues from your past that are adversely affecting your quality of life, are suffering with physical pain, or if you are looking for extra support and guidance through a challenging situation, or maybe you’re just ready to move in a new direction in your life, I look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.

Please call, or contact me online, for a free therapy consultation today.

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